Starts 10/1/23 thru 1/31/24

Los Angeles - Orange County - San Diego - Riverside - Sacramento - And More!

Same Day Service!

    Serving ALL of California   Since 1998

Need Help Renewing with

Open Enrollment 2024

Open Enrollment 2022

If you are under the minimum requirements of the Federal
Poverty Level (FPL) chart, then contact your local Medi-Cal office.

IMPORTANT:  If your projected income for next year falls in between the Minimum and Maximum on the table below, you are NOT eligible for Medi-Cal.  Please call us now (949) 713-7222 or complete the RENEWAL FORM now.



How to Apply for Medi-Cal:
(online or in person)

Find your local County office:

1. County Listings:  A - L

2. County Listings:  M - R